the presentation of the area "Artificial Intelligence" of the Computer Science Department of the Cinvestav, Campus Zacatenco, and
one visual abstract for a work submitted to the IEEE Latin American Transactions.
Route Planning for Robots in Warehouses
Abstract: The Multi-Agent Path Finding problem is an Artificial Intelligence Optimization problem with many applications specially in warehouses. For many robots, the goal is to compute collision-free paths given the current state of the robots and a representation of the environment. In order to tackle the Multi-Agent problem, first a single robot is studied. The environment is represented as a rectangular grid with obstacles. A differential robot that can only move forward or rotate in place is considered, and for the route planning, the A' algorithm is considered with a post-processing step.
SemDep:Optimación Discreta en Continua, Dr. Angel E. Rodríguez F., Max Planck Institute, Germany.