Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
Design and analysis of fast and reliable algorithms for the numerical treatment of multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs). This includes the investigation of indicator based algorithms, hybrids of evolutionary algorithms and numerical methods, parameter dependent and bi-level MOPs, and performance indicators.
Cooperation: Dr. Heike Trautmann, Dr. Guenter Rudolph, Dr. Adriana Lara, Dr. Massimiliano Vasile, Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello, Dr. Michael Emmerich, Dr. Kalyanmoy Deb
Contact: Sergio Alvarado, Adrian Sosa, Christian Dominguez-Medina

Set Oriented Numerics
Design and analysis of set oriented methods such as subdivision techniques, cell mapping and recover techniques for the numerical treatment of multi-objectiveoptimization problems (MOPs) and applications to structural acoustic optimization problems.
Cooperation: Dr. Michael Dellnitz, Dr. Jian-Qiao Sun
Contact: Carlos Hernandez

Local Search
Design and analysis of iterative local search for continuous and mixed integer problems such as multi-objective continuation or gradient free greedy search. These algorithms either serve as standalone algorithms (continuation) or are designed for the integration into set based algorithms such as evolutionary or set oriented numerical methods.
Cooperation: Dr. Michael Dellnitz, Dr. Honggang Wang, Dr. Carlos Segura, Dr. Ricardo Landa,
Contact: Sergio Alvarado, David Laredo, Oliver Cuate

Ambulance Location Problem in Tijuana-Mexico
Consideration of the Ambulance Location Problem in Tijuana-Mexico in cooperation with the Red Cross unit of Tijuana. Aims are (among others) to reduce the response time and the coverage of the ambulance services in Tijuana.
Cooperation: Red Cross Tijuana, Dr. Leonardo Trujillo, Dr. Carlos Vera
Contact: Sergio Morales